The New Year is here already, so here are the most important wellness trends. There are lots of trends so far, but here are the ones we feel are most important. Let’s start!
+ Digital Workouts
At this point, we all have turned our living room or some space of our home into a gym, haven’t we? That was a consequence of the pandemic, which stopped us from going to our Fitness Studios and Gyms. And for the need to keep us active despite the lockdown.
For that reason, 2021 is going to be all about digital workouts. Lots of fitness brands will keep their efforts on growing their digital channels and maximizing the experience, offering live-streaming classes and on-demand libraries.
+ Mental Health will no longer be a taboo
And it’s about time! That is the result of years of generating awareness about the importance. Now mental health is a globally known priority, and it is finally out of stigma. So, in 2021 it will be “normal” to talk openly about your issues and take care of your well-being.
+ More sustainable food
As a wake-up call from the Pandemic, and most important for our planet screaming for help, the Food trend for 2021 will be focusing on sustainable, economic equity, and plant-based eating.
+ Setting up some Screen Time Boundaries
Are you tired from the Zoom Meetings? You’re not alone. Actually, the struggle is real, and it has a name: Zoom Fatigue. But this is only an example of the long hours we spent last year around a Screen. Maybe it was your cellphone, the computer, the iPad, or your kindle, but if we don’t do something for our eye health, mental health, and sleep cycles, we are about to start showing the effects.
That’s why the forecast for 2021 indicates a year where we all going to set up some boundaries for our Screen Time. And we will try to find a balance between both worlds: the digital one and the real one.