Michelle (Posada) Winship created the Michi's Wellness brand to share her health and nutritional products all starting with her first product: Michi's Skinny Detox Tea. Together with her husband, Nathan Winship, they built a website and grew the business into multiple product lines.
Our products have all-natural ingredients, and we never sell anything with added sugar or preservatives. The three product lines focus on the best Detox Teas, Beauty Products and Healthy Snacks you can find anywhere!
You can purchase everything online or at our restaurant Michi’s located in Miami, Florida.
Our Founder
Michelle (Posada) Winship is a renowned health and wellness expert frequently seen on TV. Michelle starred in commercials and movies from an early age in her native Venezuela and later in telenovelas when she moved to Miami. Her social media channels and love for cooking, health and wellness paved the way for the opening her namesake restaurant Michi’s which quickly grew to the most popular health food restaurant in Miami. She is frequently featured in newspapers, magazines, and TV shows, bringing her expertise in food, health, and wellness to audiences around the world.
Read more about Michelle on her personal website.
Follow us on Instagram @michiswellness
Michelle Posada @michelleposada
Restaurant @honestbymichis